
Monday, 13 May 2013

BritMums Live - 6 weeks to go!

I'm excited to have been invited to speak at BritMums Live in London and it's only 6 weeks away. There are so many great speakers lined up I feel like I'm in exalted company. Apparently the event has sold out - brilliant work by Jen & Susanna once again in pulling off a great conference.

If you're planning to come, please say hello - I'll be taking part in a panel on the Friday evening and then on Saturday morning talking about blog design in a session alongside an SEO expert. Should be great fun!

In the meantime BritMums have started a Linky for people to introduce themselves beforehand, so here are my answers to the questions everyone's being asked...

Name: Robin

Blog: 1) Blogging for Creatives 2) Poetgal

Twitter ID: @RobinHoughton

Height: 5ft 6"

Hair: Brown, medium length

Eyes: Brown

Is this your first blogging conference? Actually I think it might well be!

Are you attending both days? I think so, if I'm allowed to stick around after I've delivered my speaker slots.

What are you most looking forward to at BritMums Live 2013?
Meeting BritMums bloggers, learning new things, being inspired ...

What are you wearing? Hmm ... probably 'business casual' if I can figure out what that means

What do you hope to gain from BritMums Live 2013?
Ideas, inspiration, new friends!

Tell us one thing about you that not everyone knows
I was a ball girl for Ilie Nastase ...  at the age of 37!

I'm speaking at BritMums Live! 2013