Monday, 14 May 2012

My new baby!

It's here! I've just picked up a preview copy of the book. Here's a little intro...


  1. Hi Robin
    Congrats on your new book it looks really great. Its a shame your book wasn't around 5 years ago when i started my CreatiV Business. A lot of learning and trial and error i endured over those times. I saw your book introduced at about the orange blog another great blog.

    You mentioned that its not in the shop yet, will it also be in libraries too?

    Have a great day and bask in your achievement.

  2. hi Janet! Thanks for stopping by and commenting - I think you're right about the trial and error thing though, that's how we early adopters learned how to do stuff, isn't it .... now there are lots of great resources and bloggers to emulate.
    The book is available on Amazon but I think they get it before everyone else :( Libraries? That's a good question, I shall ask the publisher and let you know.
    Many thanks for your support & kinds words!
